Strategic communications for nonprofits is familiar territory for Taft. In collaborating with organizations both large and small, we’ve learned lessons that can help smaller departments punch...
In our work helping organizations effectively communicate their true purpose, the focus often varies. Sometimes it’s on employee engagement; other times, diversity, equity & inclusion; or...
Taft Communications’ Senior Director Sheila Cort has been honored as a Distinguished Communicator by the Diversity Action Alliance. Taft also received accolades for its annual State of...
With about six weeks remaining before a high-stakes and divisive U.S. midterm election, private sector leaders might be thinking through how to address this political climate within their...
The evidence is clear: Engaged employees perform better, experience less burnout, and stay in organizations longer. That makes communications an integral piece of how employers successfully...
Does your organization's brand feel consistent? Or is it disjointed, with each communication looking and feeling different than the one before it? If the brand seems to be constantly...
These tips and insights that will help both DEI leads and the allies that support their organization’s DEI efforts, to step back and check in on DEI in your workplace.