Taft Communications

Communicating to promote racial equity at work

In this webinar featuring panelists from Horizon Blue Cross, NJ Institute for Social Justice and Panasonic, we explore how language can help build a company culture that enhances your organization’s commitments and values.

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Taft helps companies and causes, for-profits, nonprofits, and foundations from all over the world realize the power of their purpose. Your voice and truth are your most powerful assets.
Our tools communicate them strategically, effectively, and efficiently.
public relations speaker at lecturn public relations speaker at lecturn

Public Relations

To be persuasive, you need to be noticed, relevant, and credible. Taft helps you earn the trust that’s essential to getting your story heard.

corporate communications speaker in front of crowd corporate communications speaker in front of crowd

Corporate Communications

We develop company and team stories that are clear, consistent, and rooted in a place of true purpose. When you broadcast your essence to a committed organization, the results are powerful.

Branding & Advertising Branding & Advertising

Branding & Advertising

Language matters. When it’s true, eye-opening, and memorable, you have the chance to not just reach people, but to change the way they see the world.

Woman working at computer with social media icons Woman working at computer with social media icons

Digital & Social Media

Putting your message in the right place, at the right time, for the right audience — is everything. We expand impact by using the power and agility of digital and social media to your advantage.

Leadership communications Leadership communications

Leadership Communications

Building strong leaders ensures long-term success. Because leadership is a constant conversation®, we offer an entire practice dedicated to leadership communications and executive presence — Taft ClearPoint®.

Public Policy / Issue Advocacy Public Policy / Issue Advocacy

Public Policy / Issue Advocacy

The marketplace of ideas is crowded and competitive — and the rules keep changing. Knowing how to navigate this world and how to shape public debate means knowing how to win.